Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Props Make Me Happy :)

I made an impromptu trip to the store this morning with Ellie, and found some amazing photo props! I can't wait to test them out with a few newborns ;)

I should be ordering my backdrops soon...I swear I'm going to pass out when I click 'send order' haha. Here's a shot of a couple of the props I got:


I think they look amazing alone, but they will look so much better with a 6lb bundle of baby atop them (seperately of course!).

Monday, October 18, 2010


Revamped my website and blog :) I LOVE the way they came out.

Check it out here!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


...designed the blog to look how I want it to :)

I need sleep.


Every single night, I make a to-do list for the next day. When you have 2 kids and a husband, you need all the help you can get in organization. So this helps me.

You see where I misspelled 'client'? Why in the world after I wrote it wrong did I think a little red dotted line was going to appear under it?

Too much time working at the computer + sleep deprivation = one nutso mama :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Every Friday night, me and my neighbor hang out outside with our kids and husbands, so the kids can burn off energy and we can all get some fresh air. It's cute. I need adult interaction at the end of the week, because being stuck in the house 7 days a week is NOT fun. It was fun, when my girls were babies, but as soon as they hit the running/temper-tantrum-throwing/pick-everything-off-the-carpet-and-eat-it stage, I give up.

So we went out, as usual, but this time I took pics. I almost never bring my pro camera out with me, for fear that it gets broken (eek!) but I need to document my girls' lives before they are teenagers and never home :(

That's all for now!


I've been so busy, I haven't had time to blog! I've been getting a lot of photo shoot requests for the holidays, so I'm filling out lots of paperwork and writing a lot of e-mails in preparation for that. I have some photos from Friday that I want to post, so I'll get to that in a little while after I'm done :P

Also, I am looking for a new color scheme for my photography site and blog, and it's taking forever because I have to do it myself (blah). I love designing things, but with everything I have going on, I just don't have time. I think I may break down and have someone do it for me finally. We'll see.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Photo Shoot.

I had a photo shoot this morning, with a sweet little boy named Grayson :) we took fall photos, and birthday photos (his first birthday is next Monday!). He is an absolute doll and has such pretty blue eyes. I'll share a sneak peek here, but if you want to see the full preview later, go to my photo blog :P